Recent watercolours

Grande Greve on a summer evening

Rocks at Grande Greve

The Old Mill, Sark

The Meadows, Sark

La Coupèe, Sark.

Girl feeding ducks

Cathedral Cave entrance, Sark

Leafy Lane tunnel, Sark

Leafy lane path, Sark

La Seigneurie, Sark

Cottage and autumn field

Houses Rue Clos de la Tour, Sark

Creux Harbour, late afternoon sun

White Dog

Crows playing in a gale


Les Autelets from Tintageu, Sark.

House on high

Four Apples

Dairy Lane, Sark

Rain in Venice
I'm excited for you to see these watercolour and acrylic paintings inspired by my new life in the Channel Islands.